Maosen Zhao


IM-HRMS approaches for increasing confidence in the assessment of contaminants of emerging concern in indoor environment and humans

Universiteit Antwerpen (Antwerpen, Belgium)


My academic journey began in 2017 in China, where I pursued my undergraduate studies. I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Agricultural Resources and Environment from Southwest University, Chongqing, in 2021. During my undergraduate studies, I conducted research on heavy metal contamination in artificial wetlands and applied for the student innovation scientific programme. This work culminated in a first-author publication in a Chinese core journal.

Building on this foundation, I pursued a Master’s degree in Environmental Science at Nankai University, Tianjin, graduating in 2024. My Master’s research focused on the identification and biotransformation of PFAS in the environment, where I honed my expertise in advanced analytical techniques, including LC-MS/MS and GC-MS/MS, for detecting and quantifying trace contaminants. Additionally, I developed proficiency in database building and statistical analysis using R scripting. These efforts resulted in the publication of three first-author papers in Environmental Science & Technology and Water Research.

For my PhD studies, I aim to further advance my expertise by exploring the application of ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) to analyse human and environmental samples within the MobiliTrain project. My research will focus on developing novel screening approaches for contaminants of emerging concern (CECs) and expanding the collision cross-section (CCS) database through innovative investigations and methodological experiments. My ultimate goal is to publish three to five high-impact papers and share my findings at leading international conferences, contributing to advancements in environmental science and public health.


Universität für Bodenkultur (BOKU)

Country: Austria

Purpose: Training on best practices for DTIM-HRMS calibration and applications

Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation Nantes Atlantique (ONIRIS)

Country: France

Purpose: Validation of LC-DTIM-HRMS protocols on a different platform (TWIMS) and exploring GC-IM-HRMS

Analytisches Forschungsinstitut für Non-Target Screening (AFIN-TS)

Country: Germany

Purpose: Evaluation of new LC-DTIM-HRMS method against coverage achieved with established HRMS methods applied in a commercial NTS laboratory without IM capability