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BOKU – Institute of Analytical Chemistry

Project coordinator
DC10 supervisor

Assoc. Prof. Tim Causon

University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), Department of Chemistry, Austria

Tim has been working at the Institute of Analytical Chemistry, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (Austria) since 2014. His current areas of research are analytical liquid chromatography, molecular mass spectrometry, and ion mobility-mass spectrometry (IM-MS) for diverse analytical method development as well as fundamental studies of ionisation and behaviour of small molecular ions. His institute uses both drift tube (DTIM) and high-resolution Structures for Lossless Ion Manipulation (SLIM) technologies and has a long-term interest in harmonisation of IM-MS measurement and reporting standards. They also apply IM-MS and other analytical techniques in metabolomics studies especially for the optimisation of both upstream (e.g., microbial cell factories) and downstream (e.g., purification) ends of the bioprocessing continuum.

“MobiliTraIN brings together an amazing group of researchers and stakeholders that will allow us to make big steps forward in what we can achieve and understand with IM-MS. However, we need some ambitious and determined Doctoral Candidates to join us to make this a reality!”

Selected Publications

  1. Mitic, B.M., Mattanovich, D., Hann, S., Causon, T. 2023. Tailored extraction and ion mobility-mass spectrometry enables isotopologue analysis of tetrahydrofolate vitamers. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 415, 5151–5163
  2. Valadbeigi, Y., Causon, T. 2023. Monitoring intramolecular proton transfer with ion mobility-mass spectrometry and in-source ion activation. Chem. Commun. 59, 1673-1676
  3. Feuerstein, M.L., Hernández-Mesa, M., Kiehne, A., Le Bizec, B., Hann, S., Dervilly, G., Causon, T. Comparability of steroid collision cross sections using three different IM-HRMS technologies: an interplatform study. J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. 33, 1951-1959
  4. Feuerstein, M.L., Hernández-Mesa, M., Valadbeigi, Y., Le Bizec, B., Hann, S., Dervilly, G., Causon, T. 2022. Critical evaluation of the role of external calibration strategies for IM-MS. Anal. Bioanal. Chem. 414, 7483–7493
  5. Stow, S.M., Causon, T.J., Zheng, X., Kurulugama, R.T., Mairinger, T., May, J.C., Rennie, E., Baker, E.S., Smith, R.D., McLean, J.A., Hann, S., Fjeldsted, J.C. 2017. An interlaboratory evaluation of drift tube ion mobility collision cross section measurements. Anal. Chem. 89, 9049-9055