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DC9 supervisor

Dr. Gaud Dervilly

Oniris VetAgroBio – Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l’Alimentation (ONIRIS), LABERCA, France  

Dr Gaud DERVILLY, PhD (141 publications, h-index 34), is a senior researcher, holding a PhD in Food Science (2001) and an HDR (habilitation to direct research) (2009) in public health. She is head deputy of LABERCA Research Unit (INRAe/Oniris) and scientific adviser. She manages research projects to address Chemical Food Safety issues to characterize consumer’s exposure and study the effects of chemical exposure, involving targeted and non-targeted mass spectrometric strategies, such as metabolomics and exposomics. She received the Euroresidue Award for “Excellent Contribution in Residue Analysis” in 2012. She teaches at the academic level at Nantes University (France), is a regular lecturer at SARAF (School for Advanced Residue Analysis) and VLAG (Wageningen University, NL). Membership in scientific councils both at institutional levels (National Veterinary College, Nantes) and at international scientific event (Euroresidue, NL; ISEAC, NL; International Food and Water Research Center, Singapore).

“Identifying chemical risks requires the use of cutting-edge analytical technologies to detect the greatest possible number of compounds, sometimes unknown and in trace form, in complex matrices (environmental, food, etc.). Ion mobility offers a formidable additional dimension for deconvoluting these many signals. Not only does it increase the selectivity of measurements, it also significantly improves their sensitivity, which are key assets in meeting today’s public health challenges. The Mobilitrain project brings together Europe’s leading experts in this technology and will enable a new stage to be reached in the implementation and robustness of this tool, so that this new dimension can be integrated into current public health approaches.”

Selected Publications

  1. Dervilly, et al., Cocktails of endocrine disruptors in the different diets of French consumers, Environment International, 2024,
  2. Francisco José Díaz-Galiano, María Murcia-Morales, Fabrice Monteau, Bruno Le Bizec, Gaud Dervilly, Collision cross-section as a universal molecular descriptor in the analysis of PFAS and use of ion mobility spectrum filtering for improved analytical sensitivities, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2023,
  3. Feuerstein, et al., Comparability of Steroid Collision Cross Sections Using Three Different IM-HRMS Technologies: An Interplatform Study. Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry 2022,
  4. Feuerstein, M.L., Hernández-Mesa, M., Valadbeigi, Y., Le Bizec B., Hann S., Dervilly G., Causon T. Critical evaluation of the role of external calibration strategies for IM-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 2022;414: 7483–7493.
  5. Hernández-Mesa M, Escourrou A, Monteau F, Le Bizec B, Dervilly-Pinel G. The current and potential applications of Ion Mobility Spectrometry to answer chemical food safety issues. TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 2017;94:39-53.
  6. Tejada-Casado C, Hernández-Mesa M, Monteau F, Lara FJ, Monsalud del Olmo-Iruela, García-Campaña AM, Le Bizec B, Dervilly-Pinel G. Collision cross section (CCS) as a complementary parameter to characterize human and veterinary drugs. Analytica Chimica Acta 2018;1043:52-63.
  7. Hernández-Mesa M, Monteau F, Le Bizec B, Dervilly-Pinel G. Potential of ion mobility-mass spectrometry for both targeted and untargeted analysis of phase II steroid métabolites in urine. Analytica Chimica Acta X,
  8. Hernández-Mesa M, Ropartz D, García-Campaña A.M, Rogniaux H, Dervilly-Pinel G, Le Bizec B. Applications of ion mobility spectrometry in food analysis. Review article. Molecules 2019;24.
  9. Hernández-Mesa M, D’Atri V, Barknowitz G, Fanuel M, Pezzatti J, Dreolin N, Ropartz D, Monteau F, Vigneau E, Rudaz S, Stead S, Rogniaux H, Guillarme D, Dervilly G, Le Bizec B. An Inter-Laboratory and Inter-Platform Study of Steroids Collision Cross Section By Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 2020;92(7):5013-5022.