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MobiliTraIN brings together 9 Beneficiaries and 13 Associated Partners from 8 countries. Our consortium includes leading researchers from 10 academic institutions (BOKU, CNRS, FUB, INSERM, UJK, UAntwerpen, UNIMAN, ONIRIS VetAgroBio, UU, UNIGE) with state-of-the-art research expertise in ion mobility-mass spectrometry and excellent graduate training programmes. It also includes 3 world-leading IM-HRMS manufacturers renowned for their development of ion mobility-mass spectrometry instrumentation (Agilent, Bruker, Waters), 1 regulatory agency (BAM), 5 SMEs (accelCH, AFIN-TS, EnviBee, GTImpact, QA), and one large pharmaceutical company (Janssen) with expertise encompassing non-target screening for food and environmental samples, standardisation, drug discovery, and quality assurance, but also training on outreach and transferable skills.
Institut de Recherche en Cancérologie de Montpellier
Laboratoire d’Étude des Résidus et Contaminants dans les Aliments